Bad Luck Brian

First day in public school Tornado hits school

First day in public school Tornado hits school  Bad Luck Brian

farts in empty group room in school hot girl comes in 5 seconds later

farts in empty group room in school hot girl comes in 5 seconds  later  Bad Luck Brian

Shaves balls for the first time castrates himself

Shaves balls for the first time castrates himself  Bad Luck Brian

"last class of my undergrad today!" fails exam and course, can't graduate

spits gum out car window maximum $15,000 littering ticket

spits gum out car window maximum $15,000 littering ticket  Bad Luck Brian

reddit birthday gets downvoted Caption 3 goes here

reddit birthday gets downvoted Caption 3 goes here  Bad Luck Brian

Plans on studying hard in his detention Ends up getting bullied, having his lunch stolen, has drugs stashed in his pants, has an emotional breakdown, writes everyone's papers, and is the only one who doesn't get laid

Plans on studying hard in his detention Ends up getting bullied, having his lunch stolen, has drugs stashed in his pants, has an emotional breakdown, writes everyone's papers, and is the only one who doesn't get laid  Bad Luck Brian

Finally gets a blowjob farts

Finally gets a blowjob farts  Bad Luck Brian

gets a spray tan sun burn

gets a spray tan sun burn  Bad Luck Brian

Clicks NSFW link NSFL

Clicks NSFW link NSFL  Bad Luck Brian
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