Bad Luck Brian

Try's to die in plane Lives to see another day

Try's to die in plane  Lives to see another day  Bad Luck Brian

farts Hiroshima goes off in his asshole

farts Hiroshima goes off in his asshole  Bad Luck Brian

Gets into intense 10 car pile up only one who dies

Gets into intense 10 car pile up only one who dies  Bad Luck Brian

I didn't choose the crybaby life The cry baby life chose me

I didn't choose the crybaby life The cry baby life chose me  Bad Luck Brian

Has a partnership Buissness Partner dies, hes left with a 400,000 debt

Has a partnership Buissness Partner dies, hes left with a 400,000 debt  Bad Luck Brian

Has 2 friends on facebook Jimmy savile and gary glitter

Has 2 friends on facebook Jimmy savile and gary glitter  Bad Luck Brian

Joins a 3 vs 3 match 2 leavers

Joins a 3 vs 3 match 2 leavers  Bad Luck Brian


nigga YOU SERIOUS   Bad Luck Brian

Went to a easter egg hunt Gets eggs thrown at him

Went to a easter egg hunt Gets eggs thrown at him  Bad Luck Brian

Brushes His Teeth Drinks Orange Juice

Brushes His Teeth Drinks Orange Juice  Bad Luck Brian
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