Bad Luck Brian

Tries to prank his brother Only embarrasses himself

Tries to prank his brother Only embarrasses himself  Bad Luck Brian

Finds 20 dollar bill... Made in China

Finds 20 dollar bill... Made in China  Bad Luck Brian

Gets a silk touch pickaxe mines iron blocks

Gets a silk touch pickaxe mines iron blocks  Bad Luck Brian

Ohhh, I'm Sam and I think I'm funny, when really I'm just a retard

Ohhh, I'm Sam and I think I'm funny, when really I'm just a retard  Bad Luck Brian

Finally goes on vacation to Russia Gets hit by meteor

Finally goes on vacation to Russia Gets hit by meteor  Bad Luck Brian

Gets letter saying he's been selected randomly from thousands of other people military draft

Gets letter saying he's been selected randomly from thousands of other people military draft  Bad Luck Brian

Shouts answer in class Whispers.

Shouts answer in class Whispers.  Bad Luck Brian

lunch date with mom get stood up

lunch date with mom  get stood up  Bad Luck Brian

Gets cyber bullied by Freddy, so he hangs himself Rope breaks

Gets cyber bullied by Freddy, so he hangs himself  Rope breaks  Bad Luck Brian

My mom got me a new computer! I got 174 viruses...

My mom got me a new computer! I got 174 viruses...  Bad Luck Brian
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