Bad Luck Brian

Fantasy football team loses by 4 Leaves 59 points on the bench

Fantasy football team loses by 4 Leaves 59 points on the bench  Bad Luck Brian

Leaves Houston to go to Boston Hurricane

Leaves Houston to go to Boston Hurricane  Bad Luck Brian

wins concert tickets bieber

wins concert tickets  bieber  Bad Luck Brian

gets asked out april fools

gets asked out april fools  Bad Luck Brian

creates totally unique design sued by apple

creates totally unique design sued by apple  Bad Luck Brian

attractive woman asks him for directions arrested for soliciting prostitution

attractive woman asks him for directions arrested for
 soliciting prostitution  Bad Luck Brian

Picked by stage magician to help with trick. Goes in box... NEVER SEEN AGAIN

Picked by stage magician to help with trick. Goes in box... NEVER SEEN AGAIN  Bad Luck Brian

Gets to the front page of reddit Advertisement

Gets to the front page of reddit Advertisement  Bad Luck Brian

Has an itch Cancer

Has an itch Cancer  Bad Luck Brian

Finally has a great idea for karma-whoring on cake day completely forgets to log in on the computer on his cake day

Finally has a great idea for karma-whoring on cake day completely forgets to log in on the computer on his cake day  Bad Luck Brian
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