Bad Luck Brian

Picks Shaco Looses Early Game

Picks Shaco Looses Early Game  Bad Luck Brian

Learns how to use LoL Tribunal for the first time. Bans Himself

Learns how to use LoL Tribunal for the first time. Bans Himself  Bad Luck Brian

laughs of a photo mom says it´s you...

laughs of a photo  mom says it´s you...  Bad Luck Brian

UN dapet NEM 39,75 "TIDAK LULUS"

UN dapet NEM 39,75

Started at the bottom Got Demoted

Started at the bottom Got Demoted  Bad Luck Brian

semua orang ingin masuk ke surga tapi gak ada yang mau berangkat duluan

semua orang ingin masuk ke surga tapi gak ada yang mau berangkat duluan  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to 7-11 for free slurpee Girl cuts me in line and takes last free slurpee cup

Goes to 7-11 for free slurpee Girl cuts me in line and takes last free slurpee cup  Bad Luck Brian

Spammed on Facebook Replies to every comment and share

Spammed on Facebook Replies to every comment and share  Bad Luck Brian

"I want to become a pokemon trainer!" gets magicarp as starting pokemon

Takes a bathroom break while in dungeon queue Misses queue, gets ganked, disconnects and gets hacked.

Takes a bathroom break while in dungeon queue Misses queue, gets ganked, disconnects and gets hacked.  Bad Luck Brian
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