Bad Luck Brian

Gets mugged in hull gets arrested

Gets mugged in hull gets arrested  Bad Luck Brian

marries hand hand get divorce

marries hand hand get divorce  Bad Luck Brian

Tries to take school photo Becomes internet meme

Tries to take school photo Becomes internet meme  Bad Luck Brian

confesses to murder on his death bed makes a miraculous recovery

confesses to murder on his death bed makes a miraculous recovery   Bad Luck Brian

Gets a phone Mrs. Finger takes it away

Gets a phone Mrs. Finger takes it away  Bad Luck Brian

tries masturbating for the first time is not seen for 2 weeks

tries masturbating for the first time is not seen for 2 weeks  Bad Luck Brian

Stays home to avoid bully Gets cyber bullied

Stays home to avoid bully Gets cyber bullied   Bad Luck Brian

Survived pre-med and finally graduating still at least 4 years from being a dr

Survived pre-med and finally graduating still at least 4 years from being a dr  Bad Luck Brian

Meets girl of his dreams Leaves for the navy in 3 weeks

Meets girl of his dreams Leaves for the navy in 3 weeks  Bad Luck Brian

Gets all 5 numbers right Misses on the power ball

Gets all 5 numbers right Misses on the power ball  Bad Luck Brian
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