Bad Luck Brian

Emails self Doesn't receive it

Emails self Doesn't receive it  Bad Luck Brian

Runs away from home with family dog finds a poster only looking for the dog.

Runs away from home with family dog finds a poster only looking for the dog.  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to hospital with one broken leg Comes out with two

Goes to hospital with one broken leg Comes out with two  Bad Luck Brian

Beats Barcelona 4 - 0 on Football manager Star player gets injured for 6 months

Beats Barcelona 4 - 0 on Football manager Star player gets injured for 6 months  Bad Luck Brian

Majors in Quantum mechanics flipping burgers at mcdonalds

Majors in Quantum mechanics flipping burgers at mcdonalds  Bad Luck Brian

Acquitted of Murder after 23 years Dies of heart attack

Acquitted of Murder after 23 years Dies of heart attack  Bad Luck Brian

Forgets water in Easy mac house catches on fire

Forgets water in Easy mac house catches on fire  Bad Luck Brian

Plays fetch with dog Dog doesn't come back

Plays fetch with dog Dog doesn't come back  Bad Luck Brian

Wants to block someone on facebook accidentally clicks on puke button

Wants to block someone on facebook accidentally clicks on puke button   Bad Luck Brian

goes to school suprise test in every period

goes to school suprise test in every period  Bad Luck Brian
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