Bad Luck Brian

Makes first post on NS Forums Gets warned by Moderators for spamming

Makes first post on NS Forums Gets warned by Moderators for spamming  Bad Luck Brian

gets laid every night serving a life sentence

gets laid every night serving a life sentence  Bad Luck Brian

Doesn't go to spring fling this friday Loser for life

Doesn't go to spring fling this friday  Loser for life  Bad Luck Brian

Gives keys to a friend to sober up she ends up having sex with your crush

Gives keys to a friend to sober up she ends up having sex with your crush  Bad Luck Brian

Torrents secretly using WIFI Gets banned by WIFI provider Caption 3 goes here Caption 4 goes here

Torrents secretly using WIFI Gets banned by WIFI provider Caption 3 goes here Caption 4 goes here  Bad Luck Brian

First time talking to a girl Girl is guidance counseler telling him to stop picking nose if he wants friends

First time talking to a girl Girl is guidance counseler telling him to stop picking nose if he wants friends  Bad Luck Brian

Says g2g Stays online and just doesn't respond

Says g2g Stays online and just doesn't respond  Bad Luck Brian

no one likes me even in my dreams

no one likes me even in my dreams  Bad Luck Brian

internet is so slow that ticketmaster only has nickelback tickets front row

internet is so slow that ticketmaster only has nickelback tickets front row  Bad Luck Brian

reports bullying to principle principle joins in

reports bullying to principle principle joins in  Bad Luck Brian
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