Bad Luck Brian

rides train forgets ticket

rides train forgets ticket  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to Los Angeles for School Trip In 1992

Goes to Los Angeles for School Trip In 1992  Bad Luck Brian

picks scrabble letters l, o, s, e, r, q, z

picks scrabble letters  l, o, s, e, r, q, z  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to Well know party college Doesn't get laid

Goes to Well know party college Doesn't get laid   Bad Luck Brian

Goes to gym for the first time Can't push the door

Goes to gym for the first time Can't push the door  Bad Luck Brian

Stops at a tollbooth gets billed for running it

Stops at a tollbooth gets billed for running it  Bad Luck Brian

takes a shower in the boys dorm uses second floor showers

takes a shower in the boys dorm uses second floor showers  Bad Luck Brian

wins free ticket for a gig finds out 2 days after gig

wins free ticket for a gig finds out 2 days after gig  Bad Luck Brian

clicks "don't warn me again" gets warned again


Starts snowing, -9 degrees outside SOMEONE SETS OFF THE FIRE alarm

Starts snowing, -9 degrees outside SOMEONE SETS OFF THE FIRE alarm  Bad Luck Brian
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