Bad Luck Brian

Got married one day She said "I don't"

Got married one day She said

buys a pack of batteries ** batteries not included

buys a pack of batteries ** batteries not included  Bad Luck Brian

does First rebellious thing in life 2 detentions and computer ban...bad luck sibbo

does First rebellious thing in life 2 detentions and computer ban...bad luck sibbo  Bad Luck Brian

Finally gets nudie pics from girl Mom

Finally gets nudie pics from girl Mom  Bad Luck Brian

bends over to pick up dropped books shits his pants and pants rips

bends over to pick up dropped books shits his pants and pants rips  Bad Luck Brian

has body armor gets shot in the neck

has body armor  gets shot in the neck  Bad Luck Brian

DOWNLOADS FIRST TORRENT EVER gets a strike notice from comcast

DOWNLOADS FIRST TORRENT EVER gets a strike notice from comcast   Bad Luck Brian

Bought a Sleep-in on 8th of March Got a penalty for not registering a decklist before 6th

Bought a Sleep-in on 8th of March Got a penalty for not registering a decklist before 6th  Bad Luck Brian

Calls fire department for a house fire Fireman mistakes him for the fire.

Calls fire department for a house fire Fireman mistakes him for the fire.  Bad Luck Brian

Trys to hang himself because of his bad luck rope breaks and becomes paralyzed

Trys to hang himself because of his bad luck rope breaks and becomes paralyzed  Bad Luck Brian
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