Bad Luck Brian

tells blonde joke realizes he is a blonde

tells blonde joke realizes he is a blonde  Bad Luck Brian

finally no homework gets emailed to do two essays and a science invest due tomorrow

finally no homework gets emailed to do two essays and a science invest due tomorrow  Bad Luck Brian

Best bombardier in the squadron Everybody hates him

Best bombardier in the squadron  Everybody hates him  Bad Luck Brian

Joins Facebook -1 friend

Joins Facebook   -1 friend  Bad Luck Brian

Is in jail from assaulting people who made memes over his picture and ruined is life

Is in jail from assaulting people who made memes over his picture and ruined is life  Bad Luck Brian

sends a love letter at valentines day wrong adress

sends a love letter at valentines day wrong adress  Bad Luck Brian

goes to the super bowl pees his pants when lights go out

goes to the super bowl pees his pants when lights go out  Bad Luck Brian

Spends $15 on car wash lives in muddiest parking lot ever

Spends $15 on car wash lives in muddiest parking lot ever  Bad Luck Brian

accepted to ivy league school it's cornell

accepted to ivy league school it's cornell  Bad Luck Brian

makes a u-turn on a one-way

makes a u-turn on a one-way  Bad Luck Brian
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