Bad Luck Brian

Has grage sale mom sells all childhood memories

Has grage sale mom sells all childhood memories  Bad Luck Brian

Goes on blind date With his sister

Goes on blind date With his sister  Bad Luck Brian

vegigtanulja az estet, hogy felkeszuljon a dolgozatra bealszik alatta

vegigtanulja az estet, hogy felkeszuljon a dolgozatra bealszik alatta   Bad Luck Brian

Accepts Jesus in his heart Denied

Accepts Jesus in his heart Denied  Bad Luck Brian

WebMD says he has cancer Actually has cancer

WebMD says he has cancer Actually has cancer  Bad Luck Brian

wins the lotttery assassinated

wins the lotttery assassinated  Bad Luck Brian

Stalks .Net as denise robbins

Stalks .Net as denise robbins  Bad Luck Brian

"Whats does my computer and me have in common?" Virus

Signs up for criminal justice class Gets tazed

Signs up for criminal justice class Gets tazed   Bad Luck Brian

Gets 100 on civil sevice exam puts wrong name

Gets 100 on civil sevice exam puts wrong name  Bad Luck Brian
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