Bad Luck Brian

Buys a brand new motorbike only rides at Port Gawler

Buys a brand new motorbike only rides at Port Gawler  Bad Luck Brian

They called me Nathaniel. For a reason.

They called me Nathaniel. For a reason.  Bad Luck Brian

Trys out for ball team Special olimpics-cut from team

Trys out for ball team Special olimpics-cut from team

  Bad Luck Brian

bets $500 dollars on superbowl team. denver broncos

bets $500 dollars on superbowl team. denver broncos  Bad Luck Brian

Has a Pet rock it runs away

Has a Pet rock it runs away  Bad Luck Brian

opens a box adoption papers

opens a box adoption papers  Bad Luck Brian

Somebody else steals chuck norris's joke and he says its not him Gets thrown out a 8 story window

Somebody else steals chuck norris's joke and he says its not him Gets thrown out a 8 story window  Bad Luck Brian

grows up and is normal looking picture haunts him forever

grows up and is normal looking picture haunts him forever  Bad Luck Brian

Kisses First Girl... She Dies of Lukemia

Kisses First Girl... She Dies of Lukemia  Bad Luck Brian

never smoked Lung cancer

never smoked Lung cancer  Bad Luck Brian
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