Bad Luck Brian

Waits for bus while sick 40 minutes wait

Waits for bus while sick 40 minutes wait  Bad Luck Brian

Gets a good job working for a post office and delivering mail Car breaks down first day on the road and gets stranded in Boston for hours

Gets a good job working for a post office and delivering mail Car breaks down first day on the road and gets stranded in Boston for hours  Bad Luck Brian

Saves money for steam sale bank won't let him take it out

Saves money for steam sale bank won't let him take it out  Bad Luck Brian

Makes first friend turns out to be grim reaper

Makes first friend turns out to be grim reaper  Bad Luck Brian

look at me i drive a shitty kia optima

look at me i drive a shitty kia optima  Bad Luck Brian

Wins a free video game superman 64

Wins a free video game superman 64  Bad Luck Brian

Receive a call 4am on his birthday job call, no happy birthday

Receive a call 4am on his birthday job call, no happy birthday  Bad Luck Brian

goes away to summer camp on friday. the 13th

goes away to summer camp on friday. the 13th  Bad Luck Brian

car makes a turn to escape from murderer ONE WAY leading to dead end

car makes a turn to escape from murderer ONE WAY 
 leading to dead end  Bad Luck Brian

got a chance to watch his first cartoon Happy tree friends

got a chance to watch his first cartoon Happy tree friends  Bad Luck Brian
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