Bad Luck Brian

Thinks he will get a kill in LOL Plays with Jellyass

Thinks he will get a kill in LOL Plays with Jellyass  Bad Luck Brian

Enjoys a blunt with friends at the park, has a fun night accidentally butt-dialed mom, she picks up and listens to me smoking for 10 minutes

Enjoys a blunt with friends at the park, has a fun night accidentally butt-dialed mom, she picks up and listens to me smoking for 10 minutes  Bad Luck Brian

Mate speak's about a assault Gets assaulted next day

Mate speak's about a assault Gets assaulted next day  Bad Luck Brian

Gets a piece of ass Fingers slipped through toilet paper

Gets a piece of ass Fingers slipped through toilet paper  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to the bathroom with The Sims on Comes back with house on fire and whole family dead.

Goes to the bathroom with The Sims on Comes back with house on fire and whole family dead.  Bad Luck Brian

Rapes Mid-Year exam 25 years non-parole

Rapes Mid-Year exam 25 years non-parole  Bad Luck Brian

asked parents to get me a premium account after passing the exam passed the exam, didn't receive the premium account

asked parents to get me a premium account after passing the exam passed the exam, didn't receive the premium account   Bad Luck Brian

Plans a big BBQ for his 18th Birthday Gets a braces one month before that day

Plans a big BBQ for his 18th Birthday Gets a braces one month before that day  Bad Luck Brian

tries to make a quick early lunch smashes a glass, spends half his lunchbreak cleaning it up

tries to make a quick early lunch smashes a glass, spends half his lunchbreak cleaning it up  Bad Luck Brian

Goes out to get lunch Runs over beer bottle lying in the road, blows tire, ac gives out 10 minutes later, spends all day in a tire plus getting it fixed and never got to eat.

Goes out to get lunch Runs over beer bottle lying in the road, blows tire, ac gives out 10 minutes later, spends all day in a tire plus getting it fixed and never got to eat.    Bad Luck Brian
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