Bad Luck Brian

itunes crashes and deletes all files except for one The Road

itunes crashes and deletes all files except for one The Road  Bad Luck Brian

Finally becomes popular in class Special Ed class

Finally becomes popular in class Special Ed class   Bad Luck Brian

Reads Harry potter series Falls in love with Hermione

Reads Harry potter series Falls in love with Hermione  Bad Luck Brian

opens internet explorer opens internet explorer

opens internet explorer opens internet explorer  Bad Luck Brian

Updates his facebook status "Which Emoticon describes me ?" Facebook introduces :poop:

Updates his facebook status

Goes to r/Random r/Spacedicks

Goes to r/Random r/Spacedicks  Bad Luck Brian

Opens a new restaurant gets shut down on the opening day for having hair on food

Opens a new restaurant  gets shut down on the opening day for having hair on food   Bad Luck Brian

Buys ps3 for last of us Gets bricked by 4.45 update

Buys ps3 for last of us Gets bricked by 4.45 update  Bad Luck Brian

Takes joke picture of "sleeping in class" fails class and coaches give him shit for rest of life forever

Takes joke picture of

they see him rolling and riding dirty wheelchair and incontinent

they see him rolling and riding dirty wheelchair and incontinent  Bad Luck Brian
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