Bad Luck Brian

runs in hallway expelled

runs in hallway expelled  Bad Luck Brian

Has sex gets pregnant

Has sex gets pregnant  Bad Luck Brian

Gets a blitzcrank to support him bot NIOL

Gets a blitzcrank to support him bot NIOL  Bad Luck Brian

locks himself in bathroom gets shot 4 times #oscarpistorious' girlfriend

locks himself in bathroom gets shot 4 times #oscarpistorious' girlfriend  Bad Luck Brian

Types "lick my testicles" in Google Translate. Translates as "I lick my testicles."


Wins award in bf3 most comebacks

Wins award in bf3 most comebacks  Bad Luck Brian

My name is philips i put demote request on you

My name is philips i put demote request on you  Bad Luck Brian

Gets a dog for christmas Dog dies of booger attack

Gets a dog for christmas Dog dies of booger attack  Bad Luck Brian

Buys I ipad no screen

Buys I ipad   no screen  Bad Luck Brian

"may i have your attention please, library service points will be closing..." shits his pants

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