Bad Luck Brian

Wins raffle 'The Hunger Games'

Wins raffle 'The Hunger Games'  Bad Luck Brian

Makes the most of this night Dies young

Makes the most of this night Dies young  Bad Luck Brian

Walks into the ocean for the first time Has iPhone In his pocket

Walks into the ocean for the first time Has iPhone In his pocket  Bad Luck Brian

Joins v2 automatically classified as narutard

Joins v2 automatically classified as narutard  Bad Luck Brian

Try's to make friends on Facebook Everybody blocks him

Try's to make friends on Facebook  Everybody blocks him  Bad Luck Brian

Lands dream job in space Assigned to USG Ishimura Caption 3 goes here

Lands dream job in space Assigned to USG Ishimura Caption 3 goes here  Bad Luck Brian

goes back to prove innocence gets executed

goes back to prove innocence gets executed  Bad Luck Brian

Flies out of town Cavity search by TSA & second random search while boarding the plane

Flies out of town Cavity search by TSA & second random search while boarding the plane  Bad Luck Brian

Reports that his identity has been stolen Police believe the thief, he gets locked up for the crime

Reports that his identity has been stolen Police believe the thief, he gets locked up for the crime  Bad Luck Brian

makes a skype acount Skype test call refused him

makes a skype acount Skype test call refused him  Bad Luck Brian
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