Bad Luck Brian

president of chess club assassinated

president of chess club assassinated  Bad Luck Brian

Facecheck Bush GAREN

Facecheck Bush GAREN  Bad Luck Brian

First time using the wabbajack in combat turns level 1 draugr into hostile dremora

First time using the wabbajack in combat turns level 1 draugr into hostile dremora  Bad Luck Brian

Tries masturbation Facial

Tries masturbation Facial   Bad Luck Brian

Gets GTAV meme page started banned

Gets GTAV meme page started banned  Bad Luck Brian

Gets to go to hogwarts Hufflepuff

Gets to go to hogwarts Hufflepuff  Bad Luck Brian

Gets BB Gun for Christmas Shoots His Eye out

Gets BB Gun for Christmas Shoots His Eye out  Bad Luck Brian

Plays violent video game Gets Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Plays violent video game Gets Post Traumatic Stress Disorder  Bad Luck Brian

Zombie apocalypse zombies are dyslexic

Zombie apocalypse zombies are dyslexic  Bad Luck Brian

Recognizes someone on /r/ gonewild Mom

Recognizes someone on /r/ gonewild Mom  Bad Luck Brian
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