Bad Luck Brian

meets a girl online "I'm Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC..."

meets a girl online

Buys $1000 laptop Gets robbed that night

Buys $1000 laptop Gets robbed that night  Bad Luck Brian

Finds out hes adopted. twice..

Finds out hes adopted. twice..  Bad Luck Brian

gets Pet rock pet rock dies

gets Pet rock pet rock dies  Bad Luck Brian

meets paris analy fisted

meets paris analy fisted  Bad Luck Brian

Runs straight in to wall with boner Breaks nose

Runs straight in to wall with boner Breaks nose  Bad Luck Brian

gets asked by girl if he wants to stop by for muffins. best case scenario: sex worst case scenario: muffins

gets asked by girl if he wants to stop by for muffins. best case scenario: sex 
worst case scenario: muffins  Bad Luck Brian

Had a date for valentine's day next day no valentine

Had a date for valentine's day next day no valentine  Bad Luck Brian

First Day of Summer Vacation Breaks Leg

First Day of Summer Vacation Breaks Leg  Bad Luck Brian

Only wants to be normal his name is Radics Zoltan

Only wants to be normal his name is Radics Zoltan  Bad Luck Brian
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