Bad Luck Brian

First wall of death Dies

First wall of death Dies  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to bunny ranch; mentions reddit to amy page Amy page: "whats reddit"

Goes to bunny ranch; mentions reddit to amy page Amy page:

friend invites him to go on a car ride ryan dunn

friend invites him to go on a car ride ryan dunn  Bad Luck Brian

smokes cigarette gets cancer

smokes cigarette gets cancer  Bad Luck Brian

Plays first ranked match Automatic restart

Plays first ranked match Automatic restart  Bad Luck Brian

Finally gets a break femur

Finally gets a break femur  Bad Luck Brian

gets a myspace tom doesn't friend him

gets a myspace tom doesn't friend him
  Bad Luck Brian

Dates Eminem's Daughter Gets Murdered

Dates Eminem's Daughter  Gets Murdered  Bad Luck Brian

Dresses up for office Christmas party Inadvertently wins ugly sweater contest

Dresses up for office Christmas party Inadvertently wins ugly sweater contest  Bad Luck Brian

meet the girl of my dreams in my dreams

meet the girl of my dreams in my dreams  Bad Luck Brian
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