Bad Luck Brian

Tem uma foto de perfil com um gato Manda os outros fazerem-se homens

Tem uma foto de perfil com um gato Manda os outros fazerem-se homens  Bad Luck Brian

Free Comic Book Day! All the comics are gone...

Free Comic Book Day! All the comics are gone...  Bad Luck Brian

Is good all year Coal in stocking

Is good all year Coal in stocking  Bad Luck Brian

Makes joke cricket doesn't even chirp

Makes joke cricket doesn't even chirp  Bad Luck Brian

Trades Bobrovsky Vezina winner

Trades Bobrovsky Vezina winner  Bad Luck Brian

Calls dad for Father's Day Number has been changed

Calls dad for Father's Day Number has been changed  Bad Luck Brian

Takes Pescription medicine for the first time GETS AIDS

Takes Pescription medicine
for the first time  GETS AIDS  Bad Luck Brian

Goes for ride in car, gets shit on by owl through sun roof while moving likes it

Goes for ride in car, gets shit on by owl through sun roof while moving  likes it  Bad Luck Brian

Goes for a run Stopwatch failed to start

Goes for a run Stopwatch failed to start  Bad Luck Brian

Makes entire company use one server trips over power cord

Makes entire company use one server trips over power cord  Bad Luck Brian
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