Bad Luck Brian

My Birthday is coming soon Date of birth : 02/29

My Birthday is coming soon Date of birth :
02/29  Bad Luck Brian

Gets a new ipad Found cracked in the box

Gets a new ipad Found cracked in the box
  Bad Luck Brian

finds a wonka bar in the street drain no golden ticket

finds a wonka bar in the street drain no golden ticket  Bad Luck Brian

Gets mugged gives mugger the wrong wallet

Gets mugged gives mugger the wrong wallet  Bad Luck Brian

Puts finger in water It swims away

Puts finger in water It swims away  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to a wedding trips over his dress

Goes to a wedding trips over his dress  Bad Luck Brian

finally gets long fences to put fences get destroyed

finally gets long fences to put fences get destroyed   Bad Luck Brian

goes to work for 6 finds out he doesn't start until 10

goes to work for 6 finds out he doesn't start until 10  Bad Luck Brian

Uses porta potty it tips over

Uses porta potty it tips over  Bad Luck Brian

makes a meme doesnt know how to upload it

makes a meme doesnt know how to upload it  Bad Luck Brian
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