Bad Luck Brian

Won the last golden ticket Has diabetes

Won the last golden ticket Has diabetes  Bad Luck Brian

Gets stat correction Loses points

Gets stat correction Loses points   Bad Luck Brian

Buys Nike Elite Socks #ballislife Credit: Martin Ortega

Buys Nike Elite Socks #ballislife Credit: Martin Ortega  Bad Luck Brian

udah dapet nem gede malah masuk SLB (sekolah luar biasa)

udah dapet nem gede malah masuk SLB (sekolah luar biasa)  Bad Luck Brian

attempts suicide ends up tetraplegic and lives long a desperately unfulfilling life

attempts suicide ends up tetraplegic and lives long a desperately unfulfilling life  Bad Luck Brian

Just bought an awesome Boomblaster with the classic iPhone dock Apple Changes IPhone Connector

Just bought an awesome Boomblaster with the classic iPhone dock Apple Changes IPhone Connector  Bad Luck Brian

Takes a nap on a family road trip Wet dream

Takes a nap on a family road trip Wet dream  Bad Luck Brian

Finally finds a shinny Rattata

Finally finds a shinny Rattata  Bad Luck Brian

sees movie with girlfriend magic mike

sees movie with girlfriend magic mike  Bad Luck Brian

parents are leaving town for the weekend babysat

parents are leaving town for the weekend  babysat  Bad Luck Brian
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