Bad Luck Brian

Asked to speak at elementary school Sandyhook

Asked to speak at elementary school Sandyhook  Bad Luck Brian

Tried to shoot zombie Hit´s witch instead

Tried to shoot
zombie Hit´s witch
instead  Bad Luck Brian

has argument with parents and runs away from home kidnapped

has argument with parents and runs away from home kidnapped  Bad Luck Brian

Says he wants to feel wanted Gets Put on americas most wanted list above osama

Says he wants to feel wanted Gets Put on americas most wanted list above osama  Bad Luck Brian

makes awesome new evil character Killed by Faldor the next day

makes awesome new evil character Killed by Faldor the next day  Bad Luck Brian

Forget to Mute his mic... says he likes 5 at the back and one in the mouth

Forget to Mute his mic... says he likes 5 at the back and one in the mouth  Bad Luck Brian

Dates a fat, ugly girl moves on to a fatter, uglier girl

Dates a fat, ugly girl moves on to a fatter, uglier girl  Bad Luck Brian

Got invited to a "Russebuss" Black Swan

Got invited to a

Goes to bandos dies

Goes to bandos dies  Bad Luck Brian

Ran in a marathon boston

Ran in a marathon boston  Bad Luck Brian
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