Bad Luck Brian

finally gets his power back router won't be fixed until next friday

finally gets his power back  router won't be fixed until next friday  Bad Luck Brian

finally builds up enough confidence to talk to cute girl she's deaf

finally builds up enough confidence to talk to cute girl she's deaf  Bad Luck Brian

Buys Black Ops 2 Has no Internet Connection

Buys Black Ops 2 Has no Internet Connection  Bad Luck Brian

finds himself on the internet

finds himself on the internet  Bad Luck Brian

Smokes Weed In Colorado Gets busted by the feds

Smokes Weed In Colorado Gets busted by the feds  Bad Luck Brian

Pees Toilet clogs

Pees Toilet clogs  Bad Luck Brian

Hates my crossdressing father is into german femdom

Hates my crossdressing father is into german femdom  Bad Luck Brian

The only person in history to successfully get his ass kicked by a baseball glove

The only person in history to successfully  get his ass kicked by a baseball glove  Bad Luck Brian

Buys a ps3 yellow light of death

Buys a ps3 yellow light of death  Bad Luck Brian

Has a day off work the world ends

Has a day off work the world ends  Bad Luck Brian
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