Bad Luck Brian

Birthday is today Facebook doesn't notify anyone

Birthday is today Facebook doesn't notify anyone  Bad Luck Brian

Mom walks in As he is climaxing

Mom walks in As he is climaxing  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to pick bugger Nose bleed

Goes to pick bugger Nose bleed  Bad Luck Brian

Fills Water cup with soda GETS CAUGHT

Fills Water cup with soda GETS CAUGHT  Bad Luck Brian

Hey that orange truck was supposed to arrive three hours ago FRUITBATS

Hey that orange truck was supposed to arrive three hours ago    FRUITBATS  Bad Luck Brian

The world is his oyster allergic to shellfish

The world is his oyster allergic to shellfish  Bad Luck Brian

Gets to be a movie extra rape victim

Gets to be a movie extra rape victim  Bad Luck Brian

Gets free concert tickets nickelback

Gets free concert tickets nickelback  Bad Luck Brian

Finally drafted an ace for his fantasy baseball team Drafted ricky romero

Finally drafted an ace for his fantasy baseball team Drafted ricky romero  Bad Luck Brian

Finds Secret Door Serial killer inside

Finds Secret Door Serial killer inside  Bad Luck Brian
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