Bad Luck Brian

Confirm password. commits same error in both.

Confirm password. commits same error in both.  Bad Luck Brian

even 'ugly james' called him ugly... thats bad!

even 'ugly james' called him ugly... thats bad!   Bad Luck Brian

Locks himself inside of a safe Life is now in the hands of 5000 Redditors

Locks himself inside of a safe Life is now in the hands of 5000 Redditors  Bad Luck Brian

Buys Platinum to support everyone News ticker blanks every few minutes due to old unfixed bug

Buys Platinum to support everyone News ticker blanks every few minutes due to old unfixed bug  Bad Luck Brian

gets fortune cookie sorry try again

gets fortune cookie sorry try again  Bad Luck Brian

tries to get into best campus party ends up at unsw toga party

tries to get into best campus party ends up at unsw toga party  Bad Luck Brian

No matter how many reps you do'll still be on redtube tonight.

No matter how many reps you do'll still be on redtube tonight.  Bad Luck Brian

just got paycheck low on cash

just got paycheck low on cash  Bad Luck Brian

gets first blowjob dog commits suicide

gets first blowjob dog commits suicide  Bad Luck Brian

Asks his father for bread gets a stone

Asks his father for bread gets a stone   Bad Luck Brian
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