Bad Luck Brian

Finishes first in marathon Gets blown up

Finishes first in marathon Gets blown up   Bad Luck Brian

Places lonely heart craigslist ad 4 years ago Botnet keeps responding to deleted post. girlfriend takes emails as actual cheating

Places lonely heart craigslist ad 4 years ago Botnet keeps responding to deleted post. girlfriend takes emails as actual cheating  Bad Luck Brian

About to get rid of all his weed Gets caught by his parents as he's walking out the door

About to get rid of all his weed Gets caught by his parents as he's walking out the door  Bad Luck Brian

Makes joke because girlfriends parents house is so nice. Girlfriend breaks up with him and now homeless.

Makes joke because girlfriends parents house is so nice. Girlfriend breaks up with him and now homeless.  Bad Luck Brian

Get's free beer at a bar is drugged and sodomized

Get's free beer at a bar is drugged and sodomized  Bad Luck Brian

Finally has a girl friend she sees year book photo... Still unknown how she died.

Finally has a girl friend she sees year book photo... Still unknown how she died.  Bad Luck Brian

invited a girl to spend a week with him in europe she brings her boyfriend

invited a girl to spend a week with him in europe she brings her boyfriend   Bad Luck Brian

goes to check the mail shows up 6 hours later missing his shirt, covered in bee stings, smeared with mud, has a black eye, and is married to an albino Mexican midget circus worker

goes to check the mail shows up 6 hours later missing his shirt, covered in bee stings, smeared with mud, has a black eye, and is married to an albino Mexican midget circus worker  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to doctors for tetanus shot gets tetanus from a rusty needle

Goes to doctors for tetanus shot gets tetanus from a rusty needle  Bad Luck Brian

finds new weed dealer smokes heroine

finds new weed dealer smokes heroine   Bad Luck Brian
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