Bad Luck Brian

finally comes out of the closet studying abroad in Iran

finally comes out of the closet studying abroad in Iran  Bad Luck Brian

falls asleep in class wet dream Caption 3 goes here

falls asleep in class wet dream Caption 3 goes here  Bad Luck Brian

Tries pot for first time Overdoses and dies

Tries pot for first time Overdoses and dies  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to a blind school gets called ugly

Goes to a blind school gets called ugly  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to Chick-fil-a Sunday

Goes to Chick-fil-a Sunday  Bad Luck Brian

finds legendary wizard's hat +300 strength

finds legendary wizard's hat +300 strength  Bad Luck Brian

Has anal sex Gets shit on his dick

Has anal sex  Gets shit on his dick  Bad Luck Brian

chooses chocolate chip muffin blueberry

chooses chocolate chip muffin blueberry  Bad Luck Brian

meets christian bale homer bailey

meets christian bale homer bailey  Bad Luck Brian

gets first tattoo ever... done by michael J. fox.

gets first tattoo ever... done by michael J. fox.  Bad Luck Brian
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