Bad Luck Brian

governor declares state of emergency over weather conditions still has class

governor declares state of emergency over weather conditions still has class  Bad Luck Brian

Applys to a secound team... Only available slot is its current team!

Applys to a secound team... Only available slot is its current team!  Bad Luck Brian

Sees someone he knows on r/gonewild Mom

Sees someone he knows on r/gonewild Mom  Bad Luck Brian

gets over 88k followers on twitter will never be able to tweet again

gets over 88k followers on twitter will never be able to tweet again  Bad Luck Brian

About to finish the Mass Effect Trilogy PS3 Harddrive crashes in the middle of the 3rd game

About to finish the Mass Effect Trilogy PS3 Harddrive crashes in the middle of the 3rd game  Bad Luck Brian

Gets air conditioning for the first time Too cold that day, doesn't need it.

Gets air conditioning for the first time Too cold that day, doesn't need it.  Bad Luck Brian

made it to the frontpage 9gag

made it to the frontpage 9gag  Bad Luck Brian

watches new episode of game of thrones to cheer up S3E09

watches new episode of game of thrones to cheer up S3E09  Bad Luck Brian

Gets all the good deals on steam Contacted by fraud protection and account suspended

Gets all the good deals on steam Contacted by fraud protection and account suspended  Bad Luck Brian

decides to read a comic korean scary comic

decides to read a comic korean scary comic  Bad Luck Brian
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