Bad Luck Brian

Gets invited over for dinner Jeffery Dahmer

Gets invited over for dinner Jeffery Dahmer  Bad Luck Brian

Has braces removed after 5 years Chips 2 front teeth

Has braces removed after 5 years Chips 2 front teeth  Bad Luck Brian

goes on jeremy kyle to find parents counsellor graham kicks the shit out him

goes on jeremy kyle to find parents counsellor graham kicks the shit out him  Bad Luck Brian

runs 50 ngs datasets through a galaxy workflow has to download the results

runs 50 ngs datasets through a galaxy workflow has to download the results  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to monopoly jail Gets raped

Goes to monopoly jail  Gets raped  Bad Luck Brian

Pleasures himself while wearing a condom Gets herpes

Pleasures himself while wearing a condom Gets herpes  Bad Luck Brian

wins trip to hawaii kill haole day

wins trip to hawaii kill haole day  Bad Luck Brian

Crush says she has something she must tell him Lesbian

Crush says she has something she must tell him Lesbian  Bad Luck Brian

Transfers to VCU Gets Stabbed

Transfers to VCU Gets Stabbed  Bad Luck Brian

Uses internet explorer

Uses internet explorer   Bad Luck Brian
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