Bad Luck Brian

smokes first joint SHITS

smokes first joint SHITS  Bad Luck Brian

Gets Adopted Asian Parents

Gets Adopted
 Asian Parents  Bad Luck Brian

passes out at football practice wakes up in coffin

passes out at football practice wakes up in coffin  Bad Luck Brian

Writes the best song ever Lyrics get stolen by Justin Bieber

Writes the best song ever Lyrics get stolen by Justin Bieber  Bad Luck Brian

breath-taking view of new york from roof of world trade center 9/11

breath-taking view of       new york from roof of          world trade center 9/11  Bad Luck Brian

steps on a crack mom breaks back in accident

steps on a crack mom breaks back in accident  Bad Luck Brian

Walks down aisle to receive diploma drops dead

Walks down aisle to receive diploma drops dead   Bad Luck Brian

100th caller into radio station Wins Nickelback tickets

100th caller into radio station Wins Nickelback tickets  Bad Luck Brian

Smokes weed for first time on 4/20 Caprese salad

Smokes weed for first time on 4/20 Caprese salad  Bad Luck Brian

dies on cross goes to hell

dies on cross goes to hell  Bad Luck Brian
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