Bad Luck Brian

Gets Monthly Allergy Shot Sent to ER with terrible allergic reaction

Gets Monthly Allergy Shot Sent to ER with terrible allergic reaction  Bad Luck Brian

Accepts a traveling job to get out of MInnesota First assignment: Fridley, Minnesota

Accepts a traveling job to get out of MInnesota First assignment: Fridley, Minnesota  Bad Luck Brian

watches tv show with family that one episode all about sex

watches tv show with family that one episode all about sex  Bad Luck Brian

Finally (and rudely) stood up for myself at work when a coworker needlessly berated me Turns out he's the new manager

Finally (and rudely) stood up for myself at work when a coworker needlessly berated me Turns out he's the new manager  Bad Luck Brian

Gets on the ledge of a high building contemplating suicide people below encourage him to jump

Gets on the ledge of a high building contemplating suicide  people below encourage him to jump  Bad Luck Brian

Stops recalling for last hit Karthus Ulti

Stops recalling for last hit Karthus Ulti  Bad Luck Brian

braces never coming off

braces never coming off  Bad Luck Brian

tries skydiving backpack full of forks and knives

tries skydiving backpack full of forks and knives  Bad Luck Brian

Went on GU tour rains the whole time

Went on GU tour rains the whole time  Bad Luck Brian

First sexual experience Uncle Greg

First sexual experience Uncle Greg  Bad Luck Brian
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