Bad Luck Brian

transfers to new high school columbine

transfers to new high school columbine   Bad Luck Brian

Finnaly have sex with a woman Gets Aids

Finnaly have sex with a woman Gets Aids  Bad Luck Brian

Masturbates Goes bLind

Masturbates Goes bLind  Bad Luck Brian

Gets corrected eye surgery Loses sight

Gets corrected eye surgery Loses sight  Bad Luck Brian

Ginger thinks he can play volleyball gets hit in the face

Ginger thinks he can play volleyball gets hit in the face  Bad Luck Brian

tries to fart silently in class shits pants

tries to fart silently in class shits pants   Bad Luck Brian

doesn't check under his bed before sleeping monster

doesn't check under his bed before sleeping monster  Bad Luck Brian

Waits for sex until marriage has to buy tampons

Waits for sex until marriage has to buy tampons   Bad Luck Brian

Dosent read terms and conditions arrested

Dosent read terms and conditions   arrested   Bad Luck Brian

Googles pictures of "gary oldman" forgets the 'r'

Googles pictures of
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