Bad Luck Brian

Somehow convinces the Prom Queen to blow him Gets her pregnant

Somehow convinces the Prom Queen to blow him Gets her pregnant  Bad Luck Brian

Pot legalized Nov. 6 Ticket for possession Nov. 4

Pot legalized
Nov. 6 Ticket for possession
Nov. 4   Bad Luck Brian

Finally submits something that makes it to the front page No karma because its a self post

Finally submits something that makes it to the front page No karma because its a self post  Bad Luck Brian

"hey i just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number" Disconnected.

Uses safety scissors gets paper cut

Uses safety scissors gets paper cut  Bad Luck Brian

Scratch Nose Die

Scratch Nose Die  Bad Luck Brian

Gets drunk and remembers to takes off glasses before falling asleep in them. next day can't find glasses... without glasses.

Gets drunk and remembers to takes off glasses before falling asleep in them. next day can't find glasses... without glasses.  Bad Luck Brian

Finally gets phone number of the girl he likes Ends up ordering a pizza

Finally gets phone number of the girl he likes Ends up ordering a pizza  Bad Luck Brian

Ask for girls number Lose it

Ask for girls number Lose it  Bad Luck Brian

Gets adopted orphaned again

Gets adopted orphaned again  Bad Luck Brian
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