Bad Luck Brian

Asks ugliest girl to prom Gets friendzoned

Asks ugliest girl to prom Gets friendzoned  Bad Luck Brian

Downloads a movie goes to jail

Downloads a movie goes to jail  Bad Luck Brian

wins the lottery along with whole country

wins the lottery along with whole country  Bad Luck Brian

Shoots spitball out of moving car Hits self in face

Shoots spitball out of moving car Hits self in face  Bad Luck Brian

goes to a skrillex concert epileptic

goes to a skrillex concert epileptic  Bad Luck Brian

Wins the lottery Military draft lottery

Wins the lottery Military draft lottery  Bad Luck Brian

Receives life saving blood transfusion AIDS

Receives life saving blood transfusion AIDS  Bad Luck Brian

tu mama esta muy buena? que se siente que tus amigos la deseen?

tu mama esta muy buena? que se siente que tus amigos la deseen?  Bad Luck Brian

gets free skin golden alistar

gets free skin golden alistar  Bad Luck Brian

Gets an imaginary friend Drop Dead fred

Gets an imaginary friend Drop Dead fred  Bad Luck Brian
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