Bad Luck Brian

Gets a new restaurant at the union Chik-Fil-A

Gets a new restaurant at the union Chik-Fil-A  Bad Luck Brian

sails in the arabian peninsula captured by somali pirates

sails in the arabian peninsula captured by somali pirates  Bad Luck Brian

Get fucked over by some maltese girl again...

Get fucked over by some maltese girl again...  Bad Luck Brian

Starts ct side misbuys glock

Starts ct side misbuys glock  Bad Luck Brian

Votes for Gore in Florida in 2002 Hanging chad

Votes for Gore in Florida in 2002 Hanging chad  Bad Luck Brian

gets boner in the hall is wearing sweat pants

gets boner in the hall is wearing sweat pants  Bad Luck Brian

Visits Seattle for a week No rain

Visits Seattle for a week No rain  Bad Luck Brian

Extreme makeover home edition builds new home Haunted

Extreme makeover home edition builds new home Haunted  Bad Luck Brian

told my girlfriend that i wanted to go steady told me to try prune juice

told my girlfriend that i wanted to go steady told me to try prune juice  Bad Luck Brian

Climbs a route graded 6a celebrates by creating a meme about it

Climbs a route graded 6a celebrates by creating a meme about it  Bad Luck Brian
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