Bad Luck Brian

Makes out with first girl at college party Gets mono

Makes out with first girl at college party Gets mono  Bad Luck Brian

Gets invited to christmas party nakatomi plaza

Gets invited to christmas party nakatomi plaza  Bad Luck Brian

finally kisses girl braces connect together

finally kisses girl braces connect together  Bad Luck Brian

Had sex for the first time with his best friend's sister

Had sex for the first time with his best friend's sister  Bad Luck Brian

buys adult diapers Just for shits

buys adult diapers Just for shits  Bad Luck Brian

Adopts st. Bernard cujo

Adopts st. Bernard cujo  Bad Luck Brian


Adops a Pet INSANITY
WOLF  Bad Luck Brian

Gets a blowjob she sneezes

Gets a blowjob she sneezes   Bad Luck Brian

Allergic to Claritin

Allergic to Claritin  Bad Luck Brian

Kidnaps a girl Its Liam Neeson's Daughter

Kidnaps a girl Its Liam Neeson's Daughter  Bad Luck Brian
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