Bad Luck Brian

article about him in the newspaper Obituary

 article about him in the newspaper Obituary  Bad Luck Brian

Looks both ways before crossing the road Gets hit by a plane

Looks both ways before crossing the road  Gets hit by a plane  Bad Luck Brian

Has the biggest penis in the world Doesn't fit inside ANYTHING

Has the biggest penis in the world Doesn't fit inside ANYTHING  Bad Luck Brian

real life eugene from Hey arnold

real life eugene from Hey arnold   Bad Luck Brian

draws an incredible portrait for final critique Starts raining on the way to the art building

draws an incredible portrait for final critique Starts raining on the way to the art building  Bad Luck Brian

buys an old n64 that comes with legend of zelda Majora's mask

buys an old n64 that comes with legend of zelda Majora's mask  Bad Luck Brian

Finds candy house in the woods DIABETIC

Finds candy house in the woods DIABETIC  Bad Luck Brian

first tournament party land shark

first tournament party land shark  Bad Luck Brian

Sits on Toilet After Carefully Placing TP on the Seat Water Splashes in his Ass

Sits on Toilet After Carefully Placing TP on the Seat Water Splashes in his Ass  Bad Luck Brian

imagining armed robbery while at bank actually happens

imagining armed robbery while at bank actually happens  Bad Luck Brian
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