Bad Joke Eel

diarrhea... runs in the family

diarrhea... runs in the family  Bad Joke Eel

what happens when the smog lifts over Los Angeles? UCLA

what happens when the smog lifts over Los Angeles? UCLA  Bad Joke Eel

What did the thirsty alien say? "Take me to your 2-liter"

What did the thirsty alien say?

Handicap Jokes are NOT funny I will not stand for them

Handicap Jokes are NOT funny I will not stand for them  Bad Joke Eel

He was "ruff" with me

 He was

did you hear about the chicken claiming the copyright to hamlet? investigators suspect fowl play

did you hear about the chicken claiming the copyright to hamlet? investigators suspect fowl play  Bad Joke Eel

Did you know that diarrhea is hereditary? It runs in your jeans.

Did you know that diarrhea is hereditary? It runs in your jeans.  Bad Joke Eel

Man has repeating dreams of a teepee and a hogan Doctor says he's just to tense

Man has repeating dreams of a teepee and a hogan Doctor says he's just to tense  Bad Joke Eel

Did you hear about the Boy-Scout Orgy? It was "In-Tents"

Did you hear about the Boy-Scout Orgy? It was

'said no one ever' is really original not

'said no one ever' is really original not  Bad Joke Eel
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