Bad Joke Eel

Why am I so eel? Cause I'm sick bruh

Why am I so eel? Cause I'm sick bruh  Bad Joke Eel

What do you call an earthquake in wisconsin? A milkshake

What do you call an earthquake in wisconsin? A milkshake  Bad Joke Eel

Why aren't sea gulls named after the bay? Because then they'd be baygulls!

Why aren't sea gulls named after the bay? Because then they'd be baygulls!  Bad Joke Eel

Water is a particle And a wave.

Water is a particle And a wave.  Bad Joke Eel

Did you hear the one about the Science Fiction writer? I laughed my Asimov

Did you hear the one about the Science Fiction writer? I laughed my Asimov  Bad Joke Eel

hear about the elephant who had an orgasm? It was all over town

hear about the elephant who had an orgasm? It was all over town  Bad Joke Eel

i can't put my book down regretting using superglue

i can't put my book down regretting using superglue  Bad Joke Eel

How do you get to shut the fuck up jhart

How do you get to shut the fuck up jhart  Bad Joke Eel

Where does a chicken go on vacation Chickago

Where does a chicken go on vacation Chickago  Bad Joke Eel

I love Ben & Jerry's. Every time i go there ICE CREAM

I love Ben & Jerry's. Every time i go there ICE CREAM  Bad Joke Eel
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