Bad Joke Eel

People are looking for kony? Uganda be kidding me !

People are looking for kony? Uganda be kidding me !  Bad Joke Eel

What did one tampon say to the other? nothing, they were both stuck up bitches

What did one tampon say to the other? nothing, they were both stuck up bitches  Bad Joke Eel

What kind of fruit can't get married? Cantaloupe!

What kind of fruit can't get married? Cantaloupe!
  Bad Joke Eel

Did you hear about the two guys who stole a calendar? They each got 6 months

Did you hear about the two guys who stole a calendar? They each got 6 months  Bad Joke Eel

Am I right

 Am I right  Bad Joke Eel

I heard about the weather in oklahoma It must blow

I heard about the weather in oklahoma   It must blow  Bad Joke Eel

I went to a seafood disco the other night... I pulled a mussel.

I went to a seafood disco the other night...
 I pulled a mussel.  Bad Joke Eel

I often forget where I put my boomerang But then it always comes back to me

I often forget where I put my boomerang But then it always comes back to me  Bad Joke Eel

What did the father buffalo say to his boy when he left for school Bison

What did the father buffalo say to his boy when he left for school Bison  Bad Joke Eel

Sophie is evidently the head of the household Caption 3 goes here

Sophie is evidently the head of the household Caption 3 goes here  Bad Joke Eel
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