Bad Joke Eel

remember when Benjamin Kyle did an ama? neither does he.

remember when Benjamin Kyle did  an ama? neither does he.  Bad Joke Eel

What did Bruce Lee order when he went to Burger King? A whoppaaa!

What did Bruce Lee order when he went to Burger King? A whoppaaa!  Bad Joke Eel

The power grid got overloaded at the superbowl Because Beyonce's performance was so electrifying

The power grid got overloaded at the superbowl Because Beyonce's performance was so electrifying  Bad Joke Eel

why was the sand wet? because the sea weed

why was the sand wet? because the sea weed  Bad Joke Eel

Whenever I get a migraine I tell myself stop being such a wuss. it's all in your head.

Whenever I get a migraine I tell myself stop being such a wuss. it's all in your head.  Bad Joke Eel

What do you call a duck that trades sex for drugs? A Quack Ho

What do you call a duck that trades sex for drugs? A Quack Ho  Bad Joke Eel

so i am going to this improv group for the first time i dont know what to expect

so i am going to this improv group for the first time i dont know what to expect  Bad Joke Eel

How do accountants say goodbye? i'll calculator

How do accountants say goodbye? i'll calculator  Bad Joke Eel

Why can't mexicans be firefighters? they can't distinguish between Jose and hose B

Why can't mexicans be firefighters? they can't distinguish between Jose and hose B   Bad Joke Eel

Another eel ask me what a this 'meme' thing was I asked him, "Have you been living under a rock?"

Another eel ask me what a this 'meme' thing was I asked him,
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