Bad Joke Eel

Sisyphus walks into a bar, and the barkeep asks him, “What’ll it be?” "What else, but another Rolling Rock"

Sisyphus walks into a bar, and the barkeep asks him, “What’ll it be?”

What do you get if you type 666 into a phone? An upside down police man

What do you get if you type 666 into a phone? An upside down police man  Bad Joke Eel

"So who is your favorite Game of Thrones Character? It Varys.

Why do fish live in schools? Because they are so smart

Why do fish live in schools? Because they are so smart  Bad Joke Eel

What did the fish say when he hit a wall? Damn.

What did the fish say when he hit a wall? Damn.  Bad Joke Eel

   Bad Joke Eel

What do cats put in their milk? micecubes!

What do cats put in their milk? micecubes!  Bad Joke Eel

Why did the chicken cross the road. To get to the other side.

Why did the chicken cross the road. To get to the other side.  Bad Joke Eel

Ask me if I'm a tree No

Ask me if I'm a tree No  Bad Joke Eel

what did one telephone say to the other? Wanna get engaged?

what did one telephone say to the other? Wanna get engaged?  Bad Joke Eel
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