Bad Joke Eel

Coffee It's not my cup of tea

Coffee It's not my cup of tea  Bad Joke Eel

How is Jesus like Anakin Skywalker? He's hatin' Christian sin

How is Jesus like Anakin Skywalker? He's hatin' Christian sin  Bad Joke Eel

Well, on the other hand . . . You have different fingers

Well, on the other hand . . .   You have different fingers  Bad Joke Eel

What kind of Beer does a Germ drink? A Micro Brew

What kind of Beer does a Germ drink? A Micro Brew  Bad Joke Eel

Why do black people run faster than whites? because the black cop trains much more than the white convict

Why do black people run faster than whites? because the black cop trains much more than the white convict  Bad Joke Eel

Without nipples Boobs would be Pointless

Without nipples Boobs would be Pointless  Bad Joke Eel

That TORTanic Spam Needs to sink to the bottom of the ocean.

That TORTanic Spam Needs to sink to the bottom of the ocean.   Bad Joke Eel

when i first found out i was an eel it was shocking

when i first found out i was an eel it was shocking   Bad Joke Eel

A Jew and an oven get into a bar fight It gets really heated

A Jew and an oven get into a bar fight It gets really heated  Bad Joke Eel

why did the civil engineer cross the road? to get to saf vote camilla nicholson for civsoc chair

why did the civil engineer cross the road? to get to saf vote camilla nicholson for civsoc chair  Bad Joke Eel
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