Bad Joke Eel

What do pirate girls say before lesbian sex? scissor me timbers

What do pirate girls say before lesbian sex? scissor me timbers  Bad Joke Eel

   Bad Joke Eel

What do organic mathematicians put in their fireplaces? Natural logs!

What do organic mathematicians put in their fireplaces?  Natural logs!  Bad Joke Eel

What do you do when you see a Spaceman You park man!

What do you do when you see a Spaceman You park man!  Bad Joke Eel

vagina jokes aren't funny. period No seriously they aren't fanny Caption 3 goes here

vagina jokes aren't funny. period No seriously they aren't fanny Caption 3 goes here  Bad Joke Eel

If your uncle Jack helped you off a horse Would you help your uncle jack off a horse?

If your uncle Jack helped you off a horse Would you help your uncle jack off a horse?  Bad Joke Eel

What did the fish say when he ran into a concrete wall? DAM

What did the fish say when he ran into a concrete wall? DAM  Bad Joke Eel

I'm getting Pho tonight... Pho eal?

I'm getting Pho tonight... Pho eal?  Bad Joke Eel

What's brown and sticky? A stick.

What's brown and sticky? A stick.   Bad Joke Eel

what does a clock do when it gets hungry? it goes back four seconds

what does a clock do when it gets hungry? it goes back four seconds  Bad Joke Eel
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