Bad Argument Hippie

Is against Global Warming and Harming Animals Drives an 87 vw bug with leather interior

Is against Global Warming and Harming Animals Drives an 87 vw bug with leather interior  Bad Argument Hippie

Says she wouldn't be like those "pushy vegans" Yells at you for being a 'carnist'

Says she wouldn't be like those

Is against war main causer of the war on drugs

Is against war main causer of the war on drugs  Bad Argument Hippie

voluntarily logs onto FB, creates account, posts personal information "I demand privacy"

voluntarily logs onto FB, creates account, posts personal information

Down with the corporations She facebooks from her iPad

Down with the corporations She facebooks from her iPad  Bad Argument Hippie

Vegetarian, Anti- Death penalty, hates the military Pro-Abortion

Anti- Death penalty,
hates the military Pro-Abortion  Bad Argument Hippie

cunt c' just KNOW shes a cunt

cunt c' just KNOW shes a cunt  Bad Argument Hippie

i know exactly whats wrong with everything in the world I'm a human services major after all!

i know exactly whats wrong with everything in the world I'm a human services major after all!  Bad Argument Hippie

Vegetarians are good for the environment... Every vegetarian means 40k less cars on the road

Vegetarians are good for the environment... Every vegetarian means 40k less cars on the road  Bad Argument Hippie

Calls U.S. Military 'babykillers' gets an abortion

Calls U.S. Military 'babykillers' gets an abortion  Bad Argument Hippie
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