Bad Advice Cat

speak frankly to your mother-in-law about her overeating and weight gain she will appreciate it very much

speak frankly to your mother-in-law about her overeating and weight gain she will appreciate it very much  Bad Advice Cat

it's raining? time to get off the sofa and sit under a bush!

it's raining? time to get off the sofa and sit under a bush!  Bad Advice Cat

bought a ton of weed the week before you travel? Bring it with!

bought a ton of weed the week before you travel? Bring it with!  Bad Advice Cat

finally get all girlfriends clothes off don't plow it

finally get all girlfriends clothes off don't plow it  Bad Advice Cat

forget your lunch at home? eat a coworker lunch they never know who did it Caption 3 goes here

forget your lunch at home? eat a coworker lunch they never know who did it  Caption 3 goes here  Bad Advice Cat

girlfriend says shes not in the mood don't try to take her clothes off anyway

girlfriend says shes not in the mood don't try to take her clothes off anyway  Bad Advice Cat

It's not cheating if you eat her afterwords

It's not cheating if you eat her afterwords  Bad Advice Cat

Oh you're drunk? Your Ex totally wants you man, you should call her!

Oh you're drunk? Your Ex totally wants you man, you should call her!  Bad Advice Cat

Boyfriend compliments deepthroat skills Tell him that it's cause he's small enough

Boyfriend compliments deepthroat skills Tell him that it's cause he's small enough  Bad Advice Cat

Need help with finals? Reddit

Need help with finals? Reddit  Bad Advice Cat
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