Bad Advice Cat

Still mad? C'mon get over it & get happy!

Still mad? C'mon get over it & get happy!  Bad Advice Cat

you cut your hand really bad opening a bottle? you should just keep drinking until the pain stops

you cut your hand really bad opening a bottle? you should just keep drinking until the pain stops  Bad Advice Cat

Turltes?!?!?! Where??!?!

Turltes?!?!?! Where??!?!  Bad Advice Cat

Nice Pussy!

Nice Pussy!  Bad Advice Cat

take a shit in your pants

take a shit in your pants  Bad Advice Cat

wanna be a hipster? fake an eye exam get glasses... then get corrective sergery because glasses arnt cool anymore.

wanna be a hipster? fake an eye exam get glasses... then get corrective sergery because glasses arnt cool anymore.  Bad Advice Cat

Need dating advice? Ask Forever Alone guy.

Need dating advice? Ask Forever Alone guy.  Bad Advice Cat

You're having money problems? Get a credit card

You're having money problems? Get a credit card  Bad Advice Cat

dont know the answer to a test question? look at neighbors paper

dont know the answer to a test question? look at neighbors paper  Bad Advice Cat

no toilet paper? use snot filled paper in the trash can

no toilet paper? use snot filled paper in the trash can  Bad Advice Cat
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